Monday, February 20, 2012

dog parks and boardwalks

It has been a while! Things have been so busy that I haven't been able to take many pictures. 

This weekend had a few adventures such as visiting a muddy dog park and having lunch with a dear friend at the Kemah Boardwalk. 

Saturday we went to the dog park with Gunner. It was buzzing with happy dogs who clearly were suffering from cabin fever after so many rainy days.

One of Gunner’s friends was this cute little pup who seemed to take in the camera love.

This sweet girl (whom the owners were calling Jelly) was spending ample time chasing Gunner through the park.

Gunner was very happy to be out and about.

Gunner smelling the grass along the sidewalk

 I think the best part about this trip was the abundance of puddles!

When there are puddles, there are dogs that like to play in puddles.

There was a playful Weimaraner that was exploring  a puddle towards the back of the park.

This girl was the best! We had to watch out for the moment when she decided that it was a good time to dig in the mud because she flung in all directions.

Not only did she fling mud with her paws, she also ate the mud, which is why you see mud on her face.

I met with a close friend of mine for lunch at the Kemah Boardwalk.

After having a great time at lunch, I stuck around to take a few pictures at the boardwalk since I don’t get a chance to go often.

Just outside of the restaurant was a horse drawn carriage. Wait, an animal? Of course, I had to get a picture.

The driver was nice enough to let me snap a picture. The horse wasn’t entirely happy about it, but was a good sport.

I think the biggest surprise came when I looked up and next to the driver was a Corgi puppy! As soon as I pulled the camera out, the pup was an excellent sport and decided to play with his toy for the camera.

After the thrill of the horse and puppy, I started with the pond of the toy boats.

There weren’t anyone out there to control them and crash them into teach other. They were floating aimlessly around the waterfalls.

Boardwalk of tables

Across the way, there were pelicans hanging out on pilings.
A man walking on the boardwalk

I love the use of pilings to look like a ship was tied to the dock. I am not sure why this made me happy, but it did.
Many sail boats

I love how animals balance on a single piling despite the breeze and the water.
Boy looking out at the sail boats

The railroad crossing is funny simply because the train crossing arm is probably only about 6 feet long and the train moves at the pace of the snail. But it still warns people to get off the tracks efficiently.

I do not care how ugly the water seems sometimes, there is nothing more soothing than the sound of water splashing against the rocks.
Bottles at a carnival game

I loved this little windmill even though it seemed a little out of place.

Hopefully I will be able to take pictures more often than once every few months.